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FMCM FPGA-based electronics module in charge of calculating the current on the magnet and detecting fast current changes.


User manual

High-Voltage Box High-voltage box which contains a voltage divider and an isolation amplifier to adapt and isolate voltage levels coming from the magnets/power converters to the FMCM.

Amplifier sch

Divider sch

Carrier board The TVME200 is a 6U VMEbus Carrier board for up to four single-size or two double-size IndustryPack (IP) modules. In LHC installations it is normally plugged on the BIC-VME crate to provide interface to the CERN control system. Info
RS-422 daughter board IP-Octal 422 provides eight channels of full-duplex asynchronous serial communications. It is inserted on the TVME200 carrier board to provide serial communication between the FMCM and VME interface. Info
IP-OCTAL interface XM-OCTAL is a transition module for IP-Octal 422 that supports two Octal serial modules. The interface is via a 50-pin flat ribbon to DB9 female connector. Info


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